Friday, November 19, 2010

James Martell Q&A

Hey Gang,

I thought I would share my notes from tonights Q&A with James.

He primarily talked about Pubcon which is a huge SEO conference in Las Vegas. They always have the latest on SEO.

Well  here goes,....
They talked a lot about Scrape Box, Which is Google Long Tail Key word collector. You need to check it out.

Manage Flitter - Managing your twitter account

Co Tweet - Managing your social accounts, facebook, twitter, about conversions.

Content for Social
* More you talk about yourself the less people will follow you.
* More people follow Positive messages
* Personalize your talk
* Tweet click rates and facebook increase on weekend
* Share cool information
* People want to be first with information
* people are always looking for news and humor
* people love to be part of the crowd
* retweet other people's comments
* Tweet your blog posts
* Try to build an audience

Matt Cutts from Google talked and this where google is focusing on.
1. Local Search
2. Mobile
3. Social

Google did say when you comment on a blog post, you will get credit from google. Good for PR.
Google is looking for twitter retweets with your website in it.

Video SEO
Make a video that does not stink!!

Buzz at the show, These sites
Four to advertise your area
Facebook places
Google Buzz

Local Search drives more business

The guy that runs Pubcon spoke and told the audience, this year, he stopped paying about $70,000 in google ad sense (he did this for the last few years) and went totally social, twitter, facebook, and blog, and sales were up 30 % from last year. Go Social!!!

I hope you enjoy this guys, remember, write a response in this post and google will give you a back link. DO IT!!
Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
John Mac
Swimming with the dolphins Tortola

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like good advice John. I need to focus on the benefits of fish oil to increase traffic for information.
