Monday, June 29, 2009

Feed Front Magazine Review

Hi Guys,

I was reading FeedFront the Affilate Summit magazine they sent out and I wanted to highlight a few points they made in the magazine.

1. Things I wish I knew 10 years ago - Article 1
  • Don't Skip on the Basics Like Web Hosting, Web Design, domain names, and third party solutions like Aweber for emails and Membersgate for membership sites.
  • Time to Work Hard is NOW
  • Solving People's problems = Making Money
2. Google Site Map Protocol May need Riches Help with this

3. Four Great Tools for Twitter

I think that is it.
God Bless,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Photo Gallery Software / Blogs

Hi All,

Just thought I would share these free downloads for Photo Gallery Software for your server.

They all look cool and a great source of building content very easily. I know the social aspect of flicker is really good but building your own content is great for you SEO. Tough call.

Anyway, if any of you guys check out these products, I would love to hear from you which one you think would work well and easy?
God Bless,

Sunday, June 7, 2009 - MasterBlaster Meeting June 4 Meeting

Hi All,

Here is are some note from our meeting on June 4th. It was really cool and different. We had a chance to interview Steve Boymel the owner of We did this on Skype.

  • Always loved the computer, since he was little. A programer at heart.
  • Work during the dot com period and build a business with venture capital dollars and the business crashed during the bust.
  • Went back to school and for a MBA degree after the failed business.
  • Graduated with a MBA with a computer Technology degree. During his MBA as a class project started 2004.
  • His theory is to build an Asset. His website is an asset. Like real estate and wants to build for the long haul. He builds his site with White Hat intention. ( Which means he stays google compliant)
  • He will never use venture capital dollars again. He uses only his own and partner's money to build the business.
  • He believes heavily is to go to big web SEO related conferences. He goes to at least 7 a year. The big one he goes to WebMasterWorld in Las Vegas. Pubcom This show is in November every year.
  • He makes a lots of money from Advertising from his website.
  • He is involved with Web 3.0 now, more than web 2.0
  • He follows and listen to Matt Cutts a lot from google.
  • He mention about this 1 man show, who owns and makes a lot a money. He said this guy works about 1 - 2 hours a day and is very focus on this site.
  • He now has about 15 part time programers. He has a partner and makes a great living from this website now.
  • He mentioned a great tidbit. Since he started, he has listen to his users all the time and has built the site from their suggestions. It has paid off. The way he has gotten feedback with a feedback link. I need to do this right away. All he has is Feedback link at different places on the website. Left sidebar and bottom footer.
  • You need to check out pagerank, wow an 8. That is amazing!!!
We plan to try to record others who we interview and try to have a podcast for the next time. Rich Mattheisz was going to send me a link to record from the computer. Alex mentioned about Gold Wave Audio. If any other suggestion for recording, please let me know.
God bless,
Swim with the Dolphins Key Largo

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pod Casting for Success

Hi All,

I was listening to a podcast on the success of Podcasting.

Here are the tips it gave:
1. Finding your guest to interview. You find these type of guest from your customers or local associations.
2. Schedule your interview. Find someone to interview for your type of business.
3. Research on the Topic - Outline. Ask for a Bio from your guest.
4. Come up with a List of Questions for you and send to your guest for them to prepare.
5. Find a place that is quit for the interview. Don't worry about Mistakes.
6. Find a phone to use for recording. This podcast said to use landline to landline for best quality and record. But I did some research and I think Skpe to Skpe would be the best quality due to the fact that you can digitize the recording and edit it. < Read More on this Part 1 >. < More Part 2>
7. Be at Ease - Prepare 30 minutes before interview. Be Alert. Have quite. Make the call. Read the intro and Bio of Guest. Start the interview. Thank the guest at the end of the interview.
8. Edit Podcast. Click and Read #6. This part sounds a little tricky to me.
9. Publish the Podcast to Podcast Directories for exposure. < A Good directory list to check out>
10. Email all your customer that you have publish a new podcast. Get the word out there.

Has anyone done a podcast? Anyone have anything to share on it? Everything seems easy to me except the part of recording the podcast and editing the podcast. It seems if someone had that experience the rest would be simple. It would be nice to record our next meeting.
God Bless,
swim with the dolphins miami