Hey Guys,
I went to an exciting Seminar and learned about Google's plus one and or you can call it google plus.
Its google attempt to get social and I think from this seminar they have found it. I know my friend Curtis is already involved with it but I have yet to sign up.
From this seminar, I kind of see the importance of social more and more. Social, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, there will be a tie in with your social activity and search and from this speaker, she said it is the goal of the search engines, google and bing, is to tie it all together.
Here are my notes
Bulleyes Marketing was the speaker
Filling up your circle
In google plus your goal is to fill up your social circles. You can split your circles from personal and business
Export your linkin contact Gmail ACcount
This is a way to import your contact from Linkin to the google plus account. I think you put it in tab delimited file and them import to google.
Go to Google +
Go to Google plus and sign up today!!
Put your friends in the proper circles
As I mention there will be circles to be in
Drag Everyon to your circle
once you have your contacts, you can drag you contact to proper category folder, personal / Business
Drag one contact at a time to your folders
They must add your back for them to see your updates
In order to see your contact, the person you adding must add you too to google plus.
Personalized Search Result
Google is going to let you personalize your search results with the google plus. This is where google is going!!
Look at the organic listing on google right now. You will see the +1 buttons on every listing. Google wants you to click the +1
Social Search Intergration
Dominate your time on the web
Bringing everything together under google + like blogger , google docs
Check out Ford - They have a googel + biz account - Right now you can not get a biz account
google + is heavy in analytics
Add the +1 Button to your page
Click the +1 Button on the google search
Go to Webmaster Tools to get a +1 button
Tell People to +1 you
Run a +1 campaign - Email and ask people to click it
only 14% of sales from ads - 78% comes from trust / recommendations
need for speed - Twitter is important
Search on Twitter
Google = twitter
What this means, if you get your URL listed by someone tweeting about you, google looks for this.
Bing = facebook
What this means, Bing is looking for your friend on facebook. You can see this now on Bing, very cool.
Linkin = Twitter
there is power in social network
more followers more power
Search results will be different for each person
Social Media
Optimize Facebook update
Optimize photos on Facebook and twitter
Optimize youtube & flickr photos
Optimize Blog Post
optimize tweets - use hash tags-- I don't know how to use hash tag too well. If anyone has more information on this. I would like to know about it.
I hope this helps you get more involved with Google Plus. If you guys can help me out, go to my www.dolphinworld.org and go to the right column and click the facebook like and / or +1 button. Thanks!!
God Bless,
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