Hi All,
I was listening to a podcast on the success of Podcasting.
Here are the tips it gave:
1. Finding your guest to interview. You find these type of guest from your customers or local associations.
2. Schedule your interview. Find someone to interview for your type of business.
3. Research on the Topic - Outline. Ask for a Bio from your guest.
4. Come up with a List of Questions for you and send to your guest for them to prepare.
5. Find a place that is quit for the interview. Don't worry about Mistakes.
6. Find a phone to use for recording. This podcast said to use landline to landline for best quality and record. But I did some research and I think Skpe to Skpe would be the best quality due to the fact that you can digitize the recording and edit it. <
Read More on this Part 1 >. <
More Part 2>
7. Be at Ease - Prepare 30 minutes before interview. Be Alert. Have quite. Make the call. Read the intro and Bio of Guest. Start the interview. Thank the guest at the end of the interview.
8. Edit Podcast. Click and Read #6. This part sounds a little tricky to me.
9. Publish the Podcast to Podcast Directories for exposure. <
A Good directory list to check out>
10. Email all your customer that you have publish a new podcast. Get the word out there.
Has anyone done a podcast? Anyone have anything to share on it? Everything seems easy to me except the part of recording the podcast and editing the podcast. It seems if someone had that experience the rest would be simple. It would be nice to record our next meeting.
God Bless,
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