Internet Mastermind
Rich M
John Mac
John N
- Talking about adding his banner to site and using the masking with photoshop.
- Part of the masking is part of layers to create an animation
- You can stack 8000 layers with photo shop
- Rich is having a hard time with started the masking process
- Rich is showing his banners
- Masking is the process of touch a part of the image and pull it out the world LIVE in the image. Would put Purple on Live. And put in the Word LIVE with each letter L – I – V – E . Each letter could pop in.
- Rich talked about Gradient mask where the photos fade out slightly. Look at Richs vegetables banner on top to see an example. Should be a 20% gradient mask.
- Once you learn one adobe program, it will help learn other programs
Rich is talking with John Hawaiian about Photoshop 3.
- How do you take out the word LIVE out of photo.
- John N need show this live. We will work on this the next time.
Rich start working with Dream weaver
- Look at
- Look at his menu on the side and click on the menu and see the drop down menus
- He created it with a CSS file
- This page is new website compliant and make the website look better on all web browsers
Curtis Article about Twitter
- Curtis Copeland and showing his life on twitter and facebook. He love to talk to people.
- Rich is not going invest time here
- John H is going to twitt. He knows he get more business.
- We talked about increasing his personal photographery business.
We will have internetmaster Blog. We will start a blog tonight
- Masterblaster Internet mastermind blog
John Mac Blog Changes
- The right column needs some help
- Fix the blue area where where the google search engine box. The blue area expanes out too far on big monitor.
- Take out Retail item, dolphin Store, Toys and books
- Replace with a google banner only 160 X 600
New Internet Explorer 8
Be prepared for its arrival – Maybe Carlo can write something in the blog about this.
We talked about starting some sort of Educational component:1. We agreed to start the google adword professional classes and getting certified
3. Look at this page and be prepared for the next Skype meeting
We meet again next – LIVE at my house – Thursday April 2